
Over the Easter weekend I went on several hikes with my friends Wiebke and Luisa, which during the winter involved getting lost and crossing the partially iced-over Fulda. These walks were not as perilous though there was some Osternausflippen on the tiny Cantus train over the frequently-contentious issue of bike transport, which I mostly attribute to the seeming interminability of the religious holiday to the non-religious Hessians.

On Sunday we traveled to the Universität Kassel’s Witzenhausen campus to visit the Gewächshaus für tropische Nutzpflanzen, a huge greenhouse complex of tropical plants like coffee and giant grapefruit.  Stadt Witzenhausen, “die Kirschenstadt,” itself is the “legendary” home to many cherry trees, though I have never seen many Kirschblüte in the two springs I have been here – maybe that’s the Witz.

Farther down the River Werra, where the river turns back into the Fulda, is the Botanischer Garten Kassel, where we saw a moth and butterfly incubation house, with thousands of Tagpfauenauge (a true Schmetterlinge species, not a moth as they appear), just coming out of their cocoons. Also a special humidity controlled greenhouse just for cacti.