Rather unexpectedly I stayed with a friend in NYC this week, near 3rd and 94th on the Upper Eastside, right by my cousin’s place at 86th and Lexington… (I shouldn’t say “unexpectedly” because the appropriate action when faced with any sort of astonishing insurmountable problem is to depart immediately for the nearest largest city….)

This is the view looking downtown from the 26th floor of the building. The reason it is so dark for a city view is that there was a quite fantastic storm that same night, which we got to walk around in and then admire from upstairs.

I am not sure what I think about the new WordPress gallery view. I like having a lot of photos added easily but as a page designer there should be one dominant image it seems like, right?

Also Sel and Poivre is still good and not too “Manhattan” for being in the middle of it…

Per the “running away from home” model the part before dealing with the consequences for the next several years (the part that is about to commence) was stimulating (the second part was even better) and particularly just being around New Yorkers and their busy-ness and purposeful-ness was excellent.